The Anxiety Project Podcast
My mission is to provide a structured step-by-step approach to overcoming anxiety, naturally. This includes agoraphobia, hypochondria, and depersonalization. Enough of coping! Learn the beginning steps to recovery, how to transcend suffering, and how to adapt the mind to ever continuous change. My aim is to provide you with the tools and strategies necessary to overcome your life challenges and to be the best version of yourself. Website:
Wednesday Oct 02, 2019
TAPP #46: The Power of the Unconscious Mind
Wednesday Oct 02, 2019
Wednesday Oct 02, 2019
On episode #46 of The Anxiety Project Podcast, I go over our deepest level of programming, the unconscious mind. The unconscious makes up 95% of our mind/body, and the last 5% is our conscious mind. Like an iceberg, most of what you cannot comprehend is under the surface. The unconscious stores memories, makes associations, represses memories, and runs on habits to say the least. I talk about these and many other functions of the unconscious mind as well as why it is important to use the unconscious as your best friend when going through anxiety recovery.
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Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
TAPP #45: Health Anxiety: My Top 3 Realizations
Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
I was faced with many realizations when going through my anxiety recovery. When I reached my lowest point, suffering from severe health anxiety, I desperately sought out help. My whole world opened up as soon as I got myself knowledgable about why I felt so anxious. I used to live with a very narrow mind. In this podcast episode, I go over my top 3 biggest realizations when going through my anxiety journey. Realizations that opened up my eyes to the bigger picture. To what really is going on. Why am I feeling this anxiety? Why do I believe to be unhealthy when in fact the doctor says I am healthy? Why do I feel like I am going crazy? These were all questions I was asking when struggling through an anxiety disorder. As soon as I began getting myself knowledgable about my anxiety, the more it opened up my mind to what really was going on.
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Thursday Sep 19, 2019
TAPP #44: Being Too Dependent
Thursday Sep 19, 2019
Thursday Sep 19, 2019
I talk about being too dependent on others on this weeks episode of The Anxiety Project Podcast. While going through difficult life challenges, you may hold onto those around you that provide you with the reassurance that you so desperately want to hear. Is this healthy? It only strengthens your fear of the challenges you continue to avoid, and it strengthens your relationship with your safe zone which is also not good. Being too dependent on your safe zone or others around you just limits your own true voice. Your perception of the world may be limited, and so you keep clinging to those that provide you with the love and support you think you need to get by. This only continues to strengthen your identity of being an anxious and weak person. Also, when you attempt to move away from the old you, you are met with reassurance, and so, you go back to your old ways of being. I go over how you can move away from this dependent You towards a more independent and confident You.
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Wednesday Sep 11, 2019
TAPP #43: Shifting Your Values
Wednesday Sep 11, 2019
Wednesday Sep 11, 2019
This weeks podcast episode is all about values. Values come from the deepest part of us, the unconscious mind. The unconscious has many functions such as: storing memories, storing repressed memories, and running us on autopilot. The patterns and habits that we run daily are being automated by the unconscious. The thing is, our unconscious mind may be running bad habits that serve us poorly. When we introduce new positive patterns that benefit our higher self, we begin to automate those new habits after 21 days of consistent practise. We shift our identity, we shift are values. Model after those that have been through the same life challenge as you and have overcome it. Do what they did. Learn what they do now that keep them in that strong and confident frame of mind.
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Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
TAPP #42: Anxiety Q&A
Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
On episode #42 of The Anxiety Project Podcast, I answer your questions. I talk solutions to negative thoughts in the morning, why your eyes are affected from high levels of anxiety, and the reasons why you feel like you cannot breathe when experiencing anxiety.
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Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
TAPP #41: Resistance to Change
Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
On this weeks episode I talk about the 3 types of resistance to change. They are: resisting anything that is in conflict with your current way of thinking, resisting anything that goes against how you think other people will view you, and resisting anything that comes in conflict with your view of the world. Anxiety recovery is all about progressing towards a new you. You have to step into the unknown and add new powerful habits into your life. It's not going to be easy, you will experience resistance (since you've been running the same anxious patterns for many years now) so keep progressing every day. It takes 21 days for new habit to become habitual. Keep at it.
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Wednesday Aug 14, 2019
TAPP #40: My Powerful Anxiety Story #5 | A Traumatic Day at Work
Wednesday Aug 14, 2019
Wednesday Aug 14, 2019
On episode #40 of The Anxiety Project Podcast, I talk about a traumatic moment in my life that really impacted me deeply. This moment took place in the morning when going to the washroom. I thought I was peeing blood, even though I wasn't, and this sent me into extreme fear, the fear I was dying from an illness. I go over what it was like to go through a day in total fear and the habits an anxiety sufferer does to handle that fear. I hope this podcast speaks to you and that you learn you are not alone. There is a way to overcome this hell you currently facing.
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Wednesday Aug 07, 2019
TAPP #39: Foods to Add and Avoid
Wednesday Aug 07, 2019
Wednesday Aug 07, 2019
On episode #39 of The Anxiety Project Podcast, I go over the foods you should avoid and add into your diet. This will improve your brain health, immune health, and help reduce anxiety. I used to eat a lot of pasta, pizza, bread and carbs, which made my mood and energy fluctuate continuously throughout the day. My blood sugar would spike and then I would crash. After reducing my carb intake by 75% I noticed a huge improvement in my energy levels and my immune health. I wake up feeling energized, alert, and clear minded. I noticed my foggy mind lifted, and my gym workouts improved significantly. Avoiding carbs, sugar, too much caffeine, and adding more healthy fats, protein, and vegetables, changed my life completely.
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About Brad
Since the age of 10, I have suffered from anxiety on and off. Then during my mid-twenties, I suffered from Generalized Anxiety Disorder. I overcame it, naturally, through a structured approach using CBT and NLP Practises.
Now, my mission is to provide a structured step-by-step approach for those currently suffering from anxiety. Whether it’s agoraphobia, health anxiety (hypochondria), trauma, or stress, my aim is to build an honest and trustworthy rapport for those who seek help for their life challenges.