The Anxiety Project Podcast
My mission is to provide a structured step-by-step approach to overcoming anxiety, naturally. This includes agoraphobia, hypochondria, and depersonalization. Enough of coping! Learn the beginning steps to recovery, how to transcend suffering, and how to adapt the mind to ever continuous change. My aim is to provide you with the tools and strategies necessary to overcome your life challenges and to be the best version of yourself. Website:
Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
TAPP #62: A Health Anxiety Sufferer’s Day
Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
On episode #62, I go over a typical day, from morning until night, of what it is like to suffer with health anxiety. The morning always hit me the hardest. After I woke up, I would immediately check in on myself and sensations. Then I would ruminate over how awful my day is going to be and make excuses on why I should't leave the house. During the day, I would keep my head down and avoid conversations with others. It was too challenging to engage in meaningful conversations because my internal world kept demanding my attention (the built in alarm was continuously sounding). Then once I got home I would distract my sensations and feelings with band-aids such as the TV. The goal of this podcast is to help you relate to my story and to provide your friends and family with the knowledge of what suffering with health anxiety is really like.
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Wednesday Jan 15, 2020
TAPP #61: Put Health Anxiety Behind You
Wednesday Jan 15, 2020
Wednesday Jan 15, 2020
In this podcast episode, I talk about a powerful technique that will help you disassociate yourself from your current anxious identity. I go over my past and how I dealt with anxiety and how I practised anxiety for most of my life. I had a very narrow perspective over the world and the only way I realized that was to experience a severe anxiety disorder. To help me move toward the person I want to be, confident, mindful, and brave, I used techniques to help me move farther and father away from that anxious guy. I talk about the "I used to be" technique to help me do that. This technique, practised over a long period of time, shifts how you view your identity and helps kick the legs out of the table that is holding up your poor beliefs.
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Wednesday Jan 08, 2020
TAPP #60: Sensitive to the Word Cancer
Wednesday Jan 08, 2020
Wednesday Jan 08, 2020
On episode #60 of The Anxiety Project Podcast, I talk about why anxiety sufferers are so sensitive to the word cancer. We receive 2 million bits of information from our external world every second. A health anxiety sufferer can distort, delete, and generalize this information to suit their anxious identity. They may perceive and blow up a natural bodily sensation as being life threatening, or unconsciously ignore information that doesn't suite their current values or beliefs. When a health anxiety hears someone mention a life threatening disease, they become alert and concerned because they believe to be unhealthy themselves. I also talk about how health anxiety sufferers can lesson their emotional reaction to the word cancer and live a more stress free lifestyle.
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Wednesday Jan 01, 2020
TAPP #59: Why Journaling Reduces Anxiety
Wednesday Jan 01, 2020
Wednesday Jan 01, 2020
On episode #59 of The Anxiety Project Podcast, I talk about journaling and how much it impacted my anxiety recovery and my life. The old me was weak minded, and could never commit to something that required hard work and discipline. That resistance did show up when I began to journal, but i felt and witnessed the amazing benefits unfold. Journaling allowed me to be open about the catastrophic thoughts I had daily, and more importantly, I became honest towards myself. Anxiety sufferers tend to hide from and avoid the harsh truth. Writing your true thoughts down allows you to be more honest with yourself and your situation. In this podcast I go over how to structure your journal and why you need to start journaling today. This powerful exercise will lesson your anxiety and add more order to the chaos you are now experiencing in your life.
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Wednesday Dec 25, 2019
TAPP #58: Anxiety Recovery in 2020
Wednesday Dec 25, 2019
Wednesday Dec 25, 2019
2020 is the year to prove your old self wrong. On this podcast episode I talk about the challenges you need to confront in order to overcome anxiety. Recovery is a long term game, and it requires facing situations that you do not want to face. Pain is necessary for growth and strengthening the mind. The challenges I talk about in this episode are: avoiding negative friends and add positive models, meditate daily, stop reassurance seeking, and seek out challenges for growth. These are very important because they shift your character, your identity, and make you stronger mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
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Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
TAPP #57: Anxiety during the Holidays
Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
It is that time of year and the holiday season can add more weight onto your already sensitized mind. On this podcast episode, I talk about techniques that are important for handling the anxiety you feel. When there is a long list of to-dos and many holiday get togethers to attend, you may feel like avoiding them because of your high levels of anxiety. It is important that you don't avoid them. You need to be continually placing yourself in uncomfortable scenarios in order to strengthen the mind and create new neuronal pathways. The holiday season is the perfect time to challenge old limiting thought patterns and to place yourself in situations you have avoided in the past. The new you finds self growth in these situations rather than dread and despair. Implement the techniques mentioned in this podcast to better tackle the challenges that lye ahead of you this holiday season.
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Wednesday Dec 11, 2019
TAPP #56: A Technique For Anxiety
Wednesday Dec 11, 2019
Wednesday Dec 11, 2019
On episode #56, I talk about a technique that lessons your sensitivity to high panic and high anxious situations. The technique is flooding. Flooding is when you place yourself in a high anxiety situation and you ride the wave (give in and surrender to the sensations) of panic. It is important to not avoid the places that make you feel iffy because you are only strengthening your fear to that situation. By flooding, you are desensitizing your fear of the situation and thus strengthening and stimulating a new neuro pathway that now promotes safety rather than dread. You have to activate to generate.
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Wednesday Dec 04, 2019
TAPP #55: The Anxiety Response (The Amygdala)
Wednesday Dec 04, 2019
Wednesday Dec 04, 2019
On this episode of The Anxiety Project Podcast, I go over the part of the brain that initiates the anxiety response, the amygdala. The amygdala, when activated, prepares the body to flight, fight, or freeze. When doing so, there is an increase in cortisol and adrenaline within the body, which then creates a wide range of anxiety symptoms. Some symptoms include: shallow depth of field, racing heart, perspiration, and shallow breathing. These symptoms of anxiety can be misinterpreted as being life threatening, which then makes your anxiety spiral out of control. When we look at these symptoms as being a natural defensive response produced from the amygdala, we then lesson the impact of the anxiety we experience. In this episode, I go over the amygdala and its response to perceived threats, as well as how we can use the amygdala to better control our anxiety.
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About Brad
Since the age of 10, I have suffered from anxiety on and off. Then during my mid-twenties, I suffered from Generalized Anxiety Disorder. I overcame it, naturally, through a structured approach using CBT and NLP Practises.
Now, my mission is to provide a structured step-by-step approach for those currently suffering from anxiety. Whether it’s agoraphobia, health anxiety (hypochondria), trauma, or stress, my aim is to build an honest and trustworthy rapport for those who seek help for their life challenges.